css calc()
Css calc() can use like Grid.Just see the demo below:
This is 100% width
1/3 width
1/3 width
1/3 width
100% - 110px
50% - 5px
50% - 5px
This is html code
<div class="calcDiv1">This is 100% width</div> <div class="testContainer"> <div class="calcDiv2">1/3 width</div> <div class="calcDiv2">1/3 width</div> <div class="calcDiv2">1/3 width</div> </div> <div class="calcDiv3">100% - 110px</div> <div class="calcDiv4">100px</div> <div class="testContainer2"> <div class="calcDiv5">50% - 5px</div> <div class="calcDiv5">50% - 5px</div> </div>
1/3 width grid
.calcDiv2 {background: #c00;float:left;width:calc((100% - 20px)/3);} .testContainer div:nth-child(2) {background:purple;margin-left: 10px;} .testContainer div:nth-child(3) {margin-left: 10px;}
Every div width is : (100% - 20px)/3 .20px is for margin-left.
left|right grid
.calcDiv3 {background: #093;width:calc(100% - 110px);float:left;color:} .calcDiv4 {background: #093;width:100px;float:left;margin-left: 10px;}
The right column width is fixed 100px.Other space for left Column(100% - 110px).10 px for margin-left
50% width and another writing for margin-left
.calcDiv5 {background: #039;width:calc(50% - 5px);float:left;} .testContainer2 .calcDiv5:not(:first-child) {margin-left:10px;}
All the other(not first) set margin-left:10px
what’s more?
I also tried
<style> .testContainer3 {counter-reset:kkk;} .testContainer3 div {background:#ddd;margin-bottom: 6px;padding-left:6px;letter-spacing: 10px;} .testContainer3 div {counter-increment:kkk;} .testContainer3 div:before {content:counter(kkk);} .testContainer3 div:after {content:attr(data-size);} .testContainer3 div {font-size:calc(counter(kkk) * 12px)} .testContainer3 div {font-size:calc(attr(data-size) * 12px);} </style> <div class="testContainer3"> <div data-size="2"></div> <div data-size="3"></div> </div>
As you see below.Neither counter or attr works till today(2013-05-05)!But wait,soon or later the new browser will done.