github styleguide 学习笔记
来自 github styleguide 有点意思,大站就是不一样啊。
sass 和 scss 区别
- sass 用缩进
- scss 用 {}
KSS attempts to provide a methodology for writing maintainable, documented CSS within a team. Specifically, KSS is a documentation specification and styleguide format. It is not a preprocessor, CSS framework, naming convention, or specificity guideline.
kss 只是一种文档定义。不是预编译、框架等。
Coding Style 编码风格
- Use soft-tabs with a two space indent. 统一使用两个空格的缩进
- Put spaces after : in property declarations. 冒号前用空格
- Put spaces before { in rule declarations. {前用空格
- Use hex color codes #000 unless using rgba.用 #000 这样的16进制,rgba(255,255,255,.5) 例外
- Use // for comment blocks (instead of / /). 用 // 行注释 而不是 /**/ 块注释
- Document styles with KSS. 文档风格采用 kss
SCSS Style
- Any $variable or @mixin that is used in more than one file should be put in globals/. Others should be put at the top of the file where they’re used. 公用的变量和函数,放在 globals 目录。其它定义放在本文件头部。
- As a rule of thumb, don’t nest further than 3 levels deep. If you find yourself going further, think about reorganizing your rules (either the specificity needed, or the layout of the nesting).甭弄的太复杂,如三层以上的目录结构。
github css 文档结构
styles ├── components │ ├── comments.scss │ └── listings.scss ├── globals │ ├── browser_helpers.scss │ ├── responsive_helpers.scss │ ├── variables.scss ├── plugins │ ├── jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css │ └── reset.scss ├── sections │ ├── issues.scss │ ├── profile.scss └── shared ├── forms.scss └── markdown.scss
Pixels vs. Ems
Use px for font-size, because it offers absolute control over text. Additionally, unit-less line-height is preferred because it does not inherit a percentage value of its parent element, but instead is based on a multiplier of the font-size.
font-size 用 px,line-height 用百分比。恩,对此,我保留意见。萝卜白菜。。。
js- 前缀
class=”js-AAAA” 这样前缀只用于 js 处理。 is- 则为 css,js 公用。
id vs. class
- Good candidates for ids: header, footer, modal popups.
Bad candidates for ids: navigation, item listings, item view pages (ex: issue view).
header, footer 和模窗 等 唯一 的元素可用id
- 导航、列表、条目 等重复使用的元素用 class
css 规则
- If you must use an id selector (#selector) make sure that you have no more than one in your rule declaration. A rule like #header .search #quicksearch { … } is considered harmful. id 不要嵌套
- When modifying an existing element for a specific use, try to use specific class names. Instead of .listings-layout.bigger use rules like .listings-layout.listings-bigger. Think about ack/greping your code in the future. 特殊定义加前缀
- The class names disabled, mousedown, danger, hover, selected, and active should always be namespaced by a class (button.selected is a good example). 保留的这些 disabled, mousedown, danger, hover, selected, and active 甭乱用
Experimental features (staff only)
临时、测试的功能加 -experimental。成熟后查找替换之。