table hover column with pure css
Just see the demo table below:
view the Demo : table hover column with pure css
How it works?
This is the Core code.Make div.c:hover::after create a position:absolute element.Then adjust the position and size.
#hoverTb tbody .c:hover:after { content:''; position:absolute; background: rgba(170, 221, 238,1); width:100%; height:10000px; left:0; top:-5000px; z-index:-1; }
Why div.c?
the firefox don’t allow td to be position:relative.You can view this example (it works well for chrome,but NOT firefox)
How div.c?
You maybe hate the ugly div class=”c” everywhere.Sure you can use jQuery to add them by code like below.
if(/firefox/.test( window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ){ $('#hoverTb tbody td').wrapInner('<div class="c"></div>') }
via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553571/html-hover-table-column