Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap 3 变化
- 采用 flat design
- 手机优先 mobile-first,always responsive,不再有那个 responsive.css
- 新的 grid system
- 更多的 css classes
- 换成 Glyphicons icon font(最早是 fontAwesome,然后图片)
- JavaScript plugins are rewritten
- 新组件 list group 和 panel
- 组件修改了了一些,去掉了一些(submenus, typeahead, and accordion)
- 放弃了 ie7 和 firefox 3.6 以下的支持
- 文档和例子有所改变
- flat design 国内多数人还不习惯
- mobile-first,always responsive 似乎用户们也不以为然
- Glyphicons 似乎没有 fontAwesome 多。可能是商业版权问题
- 放弃 ie7。国内很多用户还在纠结
- 确实加入了很多 class,grid 也加入 md lg sm 之类,放给设计者控制
2.x to 3.x 的变化列表
Bootstrap 2.x | Bootstrap 3.0 |
.container-fluid | .container |
.row-fluid | .row |
.span | .col-md- |
.offset | .col-md-offset- |
.brand | .navbar-brand |
.nav-collapse | .navbar-collapse |
.nav-toggle | .navbar-toggle |
.btn-navbar | .navbar-btn |
.hero-unit | .jumbotron |
.icon- | .glyphicon .glyphicon- |
.btn | .btn .btn-default |
.btn-mini | .btn-xs |
.btn-small | .btn-sm |
.btn-large | .btn-lg |
.visible-phone | .visible-sm |
.visible-tablet | .visible-md |
.visible-desktop | .visible-lg |
.hidden-phone | .hidden-sm |
.hidden-tablet | .hidden-md |
.hidden-desktop | .hidden-lg |
.input-small | .input-sm |
.input-large | .input-lg |
.checkbox.inline .radio.inline | .checkbox-inline .radio-inline |
.input-prepend .input-append | .input-group |
.add-on | .input-group-addon |
.thumbnail | .img-thumbnail |
ul.unstyled | .list-unstyled |
ul.inline | .list-inline |
Element | Description |
Panels | .panel .panel-default .panel-body .panel-title .panel-heading .panel-footer .panel-collapse |
List groups | .list-group .list-group-item .list-group-item-text .list-group-item-heading |
Glyphicons | .glyphicon |
Jumbotron | .jumbotron |
Tiny grid (<768 px) | .col-xs- |
Small grid (>768 px) | .col-sm- |
Medium grid (>992 px) | .col-md- |
Large grid (>1200 px) | .col-lg- |
Offsets | .col-sm-offset- .col-md-offset- .col-lg-offset- |
Push | .col-sm-push- .col-md-push- .col-lg-push- |
Pull | .col-sm-pull- .col-md-pull- .col-lg-pull-* |
Input groups | .input-group .input-group-addon .input-group-btn |
Form controls | .form-control .form-group |
Button group sizes | .btn-group-xs .btn-group-sm .btn-group-lg |
Navbar text | .navbar-text |
Navbar header | .navbar-header |
Justified tabs / pills | .nav-justified |
Responsive images | .img-responsive |
Contextual table rows | .success .danger .warning .active |
Contextual panels | .panel-success .panel-danger .panel-warning .panel-info |
Modal | .modal-dialog .modal-content |
Thumbnail image | .img-thumbnail |
Well sizes | .well-sm .well-lg |
Alert links | .alert-link |
- Text-based form controls are now 100% wide. Wrap inputs inside to control input widths.表单默认100%
- .badge no longer has contextual (-success,-primary,etc..) classes.
- .btn must also use .btn-default to get the “default” button.增加 .btn-default 强制按钮为默认
- .container and .row are now fluid (percentage-based).这两个 .container and .row 后面不再有 -fluid 了
- Images are no longer responsive by default. Use .img-responsive for fluid
size.图片默认不 responsive,如果需要手工加 .img-responsive
- The icons, now .glyphicon, are now font based. They also require a base and icon class (e.g. .glyphicon .glyphicon-asterisk). 再次回到字体图标,需要加伪类 .glyphicon .glyphicon-asterisk
- Typeahead has been dropped, in favor of using Twitter Typeahead.
- Modal markup has changed significantly. The .modal-header, .modal-body, and .modal-footer sections now get wrapped in .modal-content and .modal-dialog for improved mobile styling and behavior. 模窗的代码结构变了
- JavaScript events are namespaced. For example, to handle the modal “show” event, use ‘show.bs.modal’. For tabs “shown” use ‘shown.bs.tab’, etc.. js 事件区分名字空间了。
- 官方不支持ie7(但实际上勉强可以)
- ie8 不支持css圆角和阴影,input placeholder 也没有。另外,需要 respond.js 来支持 responsive
- ie 兼容模式请加
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- window phone 8 的 ie10 有点不过,不能 responsive。解决办法
- safari .col-*-1 有点问题
因为 bootstrap 使用了 * { box-sizing: border-box; } 导致 google map 有点尴尬。修复代码
.google-map-canvas, .google-map-canvas * { .box-sizing(content-box); } /* Optional responsive image override */ img { max-width: none; }