10 09/2014


最后更新: Wed Sep 10 2014 12:37:50 GMT+0800

headjs 等于 requiredjs + Modernizr

head.core.min.js 只有 Responsive Design + Feature Detections(等于 Modernizr)

head.load.min.js 只有 Asset Loader(等于 requiredjs)

head.min.js 包括全部。以上二者之和

Load scripts and stylesheets on demand.

JavaScript Loader

顺序加载 js,并按顺序执行

head.js("/path/to/jquery.js", "/google/analytics.js", "/js/site.js", function() {

   // all done


异步 加载的话(以下两种写法是一回事)


JavaScript Organizer

// use jQuery on the body of the page even though it is not included yet
head.ready(function() {

// load jQuery whenever you wish bottom of the page

Responsive Design / Media Queries

用 js 来 responsive。headjs 打出的 html class 为

html class="no-js js no-mobile desktop no-ie chrome chrome30 root-section gradient rgba opacity textshadow multiplebgs boxshadow borderimage borderradius cssreflections csstransforms csstransitions no-touch no-retina fontface domloaded w-782 gt-240 gt-320 gt-480 gt-640 gt-768 lt-800 lt-1024 lt-1280 lt-1440 lt-1680 lt-1920 no-portrait landscape


/* screen size less than 1024 pixels */
.lt-1024 #hero { background-image:(medium.jpg); }

/* fine tune for mobile phone */
.lt-640 #hero { background-image:(small.jpg); }
/* page in lanscape mode */
.landscape #hero { width:800px; }

/* page in portrait mode */
.portrait #hero { width:300px; }

headjs 默认观察这些查用尺寸(screens)

320, 480, 640, 768, 800, 1024, 1280, 1440, 1680, 1920

apple 设备尺寸

  • iPhone3: 480 x 320
  • iPhone4: 960 x 640
  • iPad: 1024 x 768
  • screens: 800+

配置 html screens, 观察这些

var head_conf = { screens: [500, 700, 900] };

输出哪些 gt 等

var head_conf = screensCss: {
  "gt" : true,
  "gte": false,
  "lt" : true,
  "lte": false,
  "eq" : false

CSS Router




.addons-section { }
.addons-node-section { }
#router-page { }

section 和 page 名称可自定义,比如

var head_conf = { section: '-area', page: ''};


.addons-area { }
.addons-node-area { }
#router { }

Browser Detection / Graceful Degradation

/ older than IE9 /
.lt-ie9 .box { padding: 10px; }

/ CSS fixes for IE6 /
.ie6 ul  { list-style: none; }

Dynamic CSS

在 html 增加自定义 class

detect whether user is logged in. here we check for an
existence of a cookie
head.feature("logged", mycookielib.get_cookie("auth_token"));

/ .. and write CSS accordingly /
.logged #login-box { display: none; }

CSS3 Feature Detection

/ target CSS for browsers without box-shadow support /
.no-boxshadow .box {
   border: 2px solid #ddd;


  • borderimage
  • borderradius
  • boxshadow
  • cssreflections
  • csstransforms
  • csstransitions
  • fontface
  • multiplebgs
  • opacity
  • rgba
  • textshadow


head.feature("video", function() {
    var tag = document.createElement('video');
    return !!tag.canPlayType;

HTML5 Enabler

类似 html5.js 部分功能

   article { text-shadow:0 0 1px #ccc; }

<!-- works in IE too -->

支持以下 html5 tag

  • abbr
  • article
  • aside
  • audio
  • canvas
  • details
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • footer
  • header
  • hgroup
  • mark
  • meter
  • nav
  • output
  • progressdisplay
  • section
  • summary
  • time
  • video

Script Organization

所有 js 初始化完毕

head.ready(function() {


某个 js 加载完毕

// call a function after a particular file has been loaded    
head.ready("file2.js", function() {



// a handy shortcut for head.ready()
head(function() {


Labeling Scripts


// call a function immediately after jQuery Tools is loaded
head.ready("tools", function() {

   // setup Tooltips


// load scripts by assigning a label for them
   {jquery: "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"},
   {tools: "http://cnd.jquerytools.org/1.2.5/tiny/jquery.tools.min"},
   {heavy: "http://a.heavy.library/we/dont/want/to/wait/for.js"},

   // label is optional
